Organic Chemistry, Synthesis and Methodology
Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Synthesis
Chemical Biology
Environmental & Green Chemistry
Inorganic & Organometallic Chemistry
Nanoscience & Materials Chemistry
B.S. Bucknell University, 1972
M.S. Bucknell University, 1972 (Harold W. Heine)
Ph.D. Harvard University, 1976 (Robert B. Woodward)
E: [email protected] | T: (612) 625-1891
Office: 419 Smith Hall
Research Page:
Principal Research Interests
Synthetic and structural organic chemistry lie at the heart of most of the projects being studied in my laboratory. These include problems in mechanistic organic chemistry, natural product synthesis, synthetic applications of organometallic chemistry, sustainable polymer synthesis, and many applications of NMR spectroscopy. Collaborative projects are actively being pursued in the areas of natural product isolation and structure determination, nanoparticle block-copolymer development for drug delivery, polymer property studies, and new prodrug strategies.
Honors and Awards
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, 1985
- Award for Outstanding Contributions to Post-baccalaureate, Graduate and Professional Education, 1999
- Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Minnesota, 1999
- Merck Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 2002-2007
- Morse-Alumni Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Minnesota, 2007
- Merck Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 2009-2014
- Minnesota Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Chemical Sciences, ACS Minnesota Section, 2014
- Ernest Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Natural Products, American Chemical Society, 2015
- Royal Society of Chemistry Robert Robinson Award, 2016
- American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, 2017
- College of Science and Engineering Distinguished Professor, 2017